Former Personnel

About Cloud-Cuckoo-Land

Wolkenkuckucksheim | Cloud-Cuckoo-Land | Воздушный замок (W|C|B) is a journal focusing on the theory of architecture. The journal title is inspired by Aristophanes’ comedy The Birds, in which the birds try to establish a space between heaven and earth, which they call νεφελοκοκκυγία (cloud-cuckoo-land). The journal considers itself a cloud-cuckoo-land for authors who want to publish their research results on architecture situated between art and everyday life.

Cloud-Cuckoo-Land does not convey an aesthetic or political agenda to its readers. Instead, it assumes an audience that intends to challenge its own thinking. For that, the journal publishes extended articles with structured discourses, which elude the logic of postings, twittering, and dogmatic statements.

Cloud-Cuckoo-Land embraces a comprehensive concept of architecture. Authors implicitly or explicitly formulate their understanding of architecture in their articles. Cloud-Cuckoo-Land publishes articles from all related disciplines, including regional planning, urban design, landscape architecture, building design, and interior architecture.

The spectrum of the covered topics is intended to be diverse and inclusive. Cloud-Cuckoo-Land aims at addressing all facets of production and reception of architecture, as well as the theory of architectural theories and histories. Each journal issue covers a specific theme and consists of ten to twenty articles.

Cloud-Cuckoo-Land is open for concepts developed in other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology or sociology. When employing these for architectural investigations, authors must include explanations on which grounds such concepts are relevant, methodologically applicable, and meaningful for architecture and the architectural discourse.

Conditions of Publication
Wolkenkuckucksheim | Cloud-Cuckoo-Land | Воздушный замок (W|C|B) is a non-profit, non-commercial, multilingual, scientific internet journal on the theory of architecture. Print versions can be purchased on demand.

Cloud-Cuckoo-Land is open-access for readers and authors. It does not request fees from authors for publishing their texts (diamond open access). Submitted contributions undergo a double-blind peer review process. Throughout the entire publication process, all involved persons commit to follow ethical publishing standards and disclose conflicts of interest of any kind. Concerns and complaints about copyright and plagiarism must be reported to the editors.

The editors decide the theme for each journal issue. They announce curators for each theme issue, who are responsible for the content and form of the respective issue. Themes for future issues can be found under Preview. Everybody interested in an issue theme is invited to submit an abstract, which is evaluated in a blind peer review process. Upon positive evaluations, the editors/curators invite authors to submit full articles, which again undergo a blind peer review.

Authors are responsible for their contributions, including content, structure, spelling, and grammar of the text, endnotes, figures and references. The editorial office corrects spelling and grammar without consultation with the author. The editors reserve the right to propose revisions to the authors.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to publish figures/images for which they do not own publication rights. They must present confirmations to the editors that respective image publication rights have been obtained and are approved. If not further specified, the copyright of Germany is in effect, both for texts and images. In case of a subsequent publication of a specific contribution, W|C|B must be specified as the place of the first publication. The publishers of W|C|B are responsible for layout, online publication, and distribution of the issue, and carry the costs for this. Since W|C|B works without advertisements, no honorarium can be paid to authors, curators and editors.

Cloud-Cuckoo-Land was founded in 1996 by Dr. Eduard Führ, Professor of the Theory of Architecture at the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. Eduard Führ has been editor (V.i.S.d.P.) since spring 2024 together with Sebastian Feldhusen (management), Jörg H. Gleiter, Sonja Hnilica, Ute Poerschke and Riklef Rambow. The legal agency of Cloud-Cuckoo-Land is the momus|stiftung.

Oxana Barabanova (2001–2009)
Katharina Fleischmann (2004–2010)
Hans Friesen (1996–2000)
Eva Maria Froschauer (2009–2011)
Christian Gänshirt (1998–2008)
Ehrengard Heinzig (2000–2009)
Cornelia Jöchner (1999–2005)
Riklef Rambow (2001–2012)
Mohammad Reza Shirazi (2007–2009)
Gottfried Schlüter (1996–2002)
Anette Sommer (1996–2000)
Ulrike Sturm (2003–2009)